¥27,500 税込
なら 手数料無料の 翌月払いでOK
COLOR : LIBERTY Rachel (Blue)
MATERIAL : cotton 100%
SIZE : wide 216cm × length 81cm
WEIGHT : 170g
MODEL : 152cm
A gathered apron that looks like a skirt. You might think that an apron with lots of fluffy gathers might be too romantic, but the great thing about Liberty print is that it doesn't! Among my favorite Liberty prints, I chose the blue "Rachel" pattern for the gathered apron. We have created an adult apron that is ideal for unique adult women.
The biggest feature of Liberty Print is the material called "Tana Lawn''. Made of 100% cotton, Tana Lawn is woven from high-quality, extremely thin yarn (extra-long cotton harvested near Lake Tana in Sudan) and is extremely light and supple to the touch. It was developed by Liberty London in the 1920s, when silk was very expensive, in order to achieve the luster and feel of silk in cotton, making it affordable to the common people. Even after washing, it dries quickly and doesn't wrinkle easily, so you don't need to iron it if you stretch it by hand after dehydrating it and then hang it to dry.
This pattern is derived from "Sedgemere", which was created in the late 1980s. A design from the Spring/Summer 2016 Classic Collection, featuring medium-sized
diards, cornflowers, daisies, and mountain lilies.
イギリス・ロンドンにある老舗百貨店’’LIBERTY OF LONDON’’が、リバティプリントの名前『リバティ』の由来。1875年に実業家だったアーサー・リバティ氏が、東洋の装飾品や美術品などを扱う小さなお店’’リバティ商会”をオープンしたことから始まりました。ウィリアムモリスやアーツ&クラフト運動の中心的なデザイナーたちと共に多くの生活美術工芸品を送り出すなどすると、ロンドンでとても注目される店舗になっていきます。この頃、かねてより注目していた東洋風ファブリックの生産を始めたのが、リバティプリントの歴史の始まりとなりました。小花柄や植物、ペーズリーなどのパターンを繊細なタッチで描いているのがリバティプリントの特徴。日本の絹織物などからインスピレーションを受けてつくられたとも言われています。豊かに施されている色彩も世界中の人々が魅了されるポイントとなっています。
The long-established department store "LIBERTY OF LONDON'' in London, England is the origin of the name "Liberty'' of Liberty Print. It all began in 1875 when businessman Arthur Liberty opened a small shop called "Liberty & Co.,'' which sold Oriental ornaments and art.It was a center of William Morris and the Arts and Crafts movement. The store began to attract a lot of attention in London by selling a large number of lifestyle arts and crafts in conjunction with leading designers. Around this time, Liberty Print began producing Oriental-style fabrics, which had been attracting attention for some time. It was the beginning of history. It is said that Liberty prints were inspired by Japanese silk fabrics and are characterized by delicate patterns such as small flowers, plants, and paisley. The rich colors are also a point that attracts people all over the world.
¥27,500 税込